Octopi Wallstreet – a funny video from Mark Shapiro & Laurence E. Gibbs

By: Mark

This video was created for San Diego’s Videomasters Club – a spinoff from Toastmasters, AKA an advanced Toastmaster Club. More info about Videomasters here – https://www.agileverage.com/videomasters More Videomasters videos here – https://www.youtube.com/@VideoMastersTMClub/videos

What happened on August 20 in La Jolla, California? The remnants of Hurricane Hilary created a waterspout that sucked up a bunch of miscellaneous marine creatures, traveled inland, and then dropped its load of ocean creatures – jellyfish, crabs, fish and lots of octopi – Octopi of all sizes – on La Jolla’s beaches – its waterfront, on cars, parks and even on people’s heads. It was a mess. See how this problem was solved.

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“An ear to your street, an eye on your neighborhood – I am Laurence E Gibbs, Influencer Number One and news correspondent, with acrossthestreet.org!” Today we are coming to you from beautiful LA Jolla, California. Today we are at the Birch Aquarium in beautiful La Jolla California to talk about what happened when the remnants of Hurricane Hilary hit the beach here last month. You may have read about what happened in AcrossTheStreet a few weeks ago. On Sunday, August 20, a waterspout hit the ocean waters off of La Jolla – waterspouts are like tornados but over the ocean – it sucked up a bunch of marine animals – fish, jellyfish, crabs – and a lot of octopi! A lot! And then it dropped them on the beach, on the La Jolla city streets, on sidewalks, on cars, and even on people’s heads. This is where AcrossThe Street.org comes in … Let me introduce Mark Shapiro, a longtime acrossthestreet.org community content editor and member – Mark, what actually happened? “Thank you Laurence, I got an alert on my acrossthestreet.org account – people on La Jolla needed help. So I grabbed a couple of empty pails and rushed down here. Scientists from the aquarium here and from Scripps Institute were already here, with buckets and pails filled with sea water and we all started putting the octopi into the pails to save them. Many of the local residents were helping us.” Laurence – “And then what happened? Mark – “as we were worried that these octopi might have been polluted or contaminated, we could not release them back into the ocean right away, we found an empty storefront on Wall Street in downtown La Jolla and converted it into a temporary Octopi nursery. We collected hundreds of stranded octopi. Unfortunately, this space is expensive – and so is the fresh live food and the staff to take care of all these octopi tanks.” Laurence – So what are you doing to raise money? Mark – Two things – one – we have started a GoFundMe page – Save the Octopi – contribute to Octopi Wall Street. We are getting lots of donations. Also, we are starting an adoption rescue program for the various octopi. Check it out – as you may know I am a member of Toastmasters and of Videomasters – so I named my octopus Smedley – after the guy that started Toastmasters. However, You don’t really get to take the octopi home with you but you do get your name on a tank, a thank you letter, and this wonderful Octopi Rescue refrigerator magnet to show the world that you made a difference.” CU on Magnet Mark hands it to Larry – Larry “Thank you Mark. That is it for today’s Neighborhood Report – and if you haven’t yet joined up, please visit AcrossThe Street.ORG “An ear to your street, an eye on your neighborhood – I am Laurence E Gibbs, Influencer Number One, with acrossthestreet.org!” #octopiwallstreet#octopi#acrossthestreet.org, #MarkShapiro#octopi#BirchAquarium