Watch “A Storm Foretold” on YouTube – this video is all about Trump’s political godfather – Roger Stone. The video documents how Trump’s presidential period had to find its logical end point in The Storm at the Capital. Directed and written by Christoffer Guldbrandsen and stars Roger Stone
According to Rotten Tomatoes, USA, January 6, 2021. US congressmen are gathered at the Capitol in Washington DC, about to approve the election result and declare Joe Biden the winner.
Less than a mile away, Donald Trump is urging the crowd to march towards the Capitol. A few hours later, 5 people are killed and 141 wounded.
With Trump’s political godfather, Roger Stone, as its central character, the film documents how Trump’s presidential period had to find its logical endpoint with The Storm on the Capitol. The director had set out to follow the ‘Make America Great Again’ movement and ends up a close witness to the historical events at the center of American democracy