There’s an age-old question in the world of video creation, to storyboard or not? Certainly doing your video without a storyboard seems easier and takes less time.
However, a storyboard provides information about what your video will look like without ever having to pick up your camera or before you record your screen. A storyboard can also contain vital information for you or anyone else working on your video.
Check out this article from TechSmith
What is a storyboard?
A storyboard is a visual representation of your video sketched out. There are different storyboard software options out there, but all you really need is a piece of paper and some simple stick figures.
It usually represents a subject of the shot, the shot type and any movement the viewer will see. You can include any information that will help you and others to create the video. Ideally, a storyboard helps you think through the visuals of what you want to capture.
Imagine being able to show your co-workers, stakeholders, colleagues, even your mom a sketched-out version of your video to get early feedback. You can even refer to your storyboard as you edit your video to see what pieces need to go together, how to cut the clips, and where to insert other assets.
In the still image above (taken from an awesome video from TechSmith Academy), this storyboard goes so far as to show the type of clothes the subjects are wearing, their facial expressions, body postures, etc. As you’ll see from my far more rudimentary storyboard later in this post, this type of detail is great, but not always necessary.
Let’s be clear, too: Not every video needs a storyboard. Quick tutorial videos for coworkers on how to access a new system likely won’t need one. A brief share-out in place of a meeting probably can be done without too much planning.
But, if your video has a wider audience, especially one outside your organization, or if it’s more complicated, it probably would benefit from starting with a storyboard.
Read the rest of this article at Techsmith